Monday, July 5, 2010

systema magicum universi

Prismacolor and graphite- two kinds of media that never look the same after they are scanned. Nonetheless, here we have a random stranger transformed by the alchemy of drawing. Is drawing a kind of magic? Our ancestors in the caves at Altamira seemed to think so. Drawing is my systema magicum universi.
I don't pretend to know rationally how this system works, I just have faith that it does. Even failed attempts at art enrich my reality. Looking at any drawing I have made evokes the thought process that went behind it. It almost becomes an exercise In mapping my consciousness as it solves creative problems.
Drawings conjure up the dichotomy of light and dark, of form and void, of all there is and of all there could be. Stare at any pattern long enough, or at any image with a high enough contrast, and then close your eyes. What do you see? It is as if your optic nerve has taken a picture, as if the negative is burned into your memory. The image is transformed into mental energy, and mental energy becomes thought.
Pick up a pencil and do it yourself. Make a new reality. You have the power.

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