Sunday, August 8, 2010


The original 'woof' and 'oink' components in this blog's title.

A 2008 rendition of the first Chimera hybrid freak to serve as this blog's mascot.

The current incarnation of our Woofoink mascot who doesn't have the same anatomical issues of his predecessor.

It all started, as many things do, one day when I was bored at work. It was back during the Houston years (2005-2008) while I was an employee in the Internet shipping department of Texas Art Supply. I was on my lunch break, and I had my miniature sketchbook with me. The two plastic figurines you see at the top were at my work station, and I decided that I would sketch them along with captions that read 'woof' and 'oink'. The resulting portmanteau became first the title of that little sketchbook, and later the blog of the same name.
This is, of course, the second blog to have the title, Woofoink. The first was a casualty of the rise of Internet 2 (it's still there, but Google won't allow me to make posts on it anymore)and this one has had the drawing in the middle as its mascot for a little while.
Fast forward to August of 2010, nearly two years since our move back to New Orleans, and the drawing on the bottom is Woofoink's new official mascot! He's bouncier, cartoonier, friendlier, and yet still subtly creepy enough to represent us. And best of all, he makes a lot more sense than having a seal in a fur coat with human hands as the header image.

Say goodbye to our old header image! We went with something that makes a lot more sense!

And so, a new chapter in the history of this widely read and highly reputable web log has begun! Make sure to join us as we forge new paths along the frontiers of creativity while discussing the vital issues that plague our minds in this information age. We here at Woofoink are happy to have you along for the ride!

Excelsior, true believers!

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