Monday, September 6, 2010

Old Blue Lady

Old Blue Lady, originally uploaded by Reggie Rachuba.

"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality." - John Lennon

By medieval standards, I would be a senior citizen at the age of 33. I am very thankful that I have made it this far into the collaborative dream that we call life, and in the company of such wonderful people as Jeanne, no less!
Like everybody else, I often try to cope with both the ceaseless nature of time and the inevitability of death. I look at old people and I am not only grateful for what they have been through, but glad that they are still an active part of the collaboration. Why do we spend so much time fawning over the young when they haven't anything interesting to really talk about?
During the next 40 years or so, I hope to achieve at least one great ambition, namely that Jeanne and I will be able to spend these decades together! I have other ambitions too, but the realization of them is more dubious. For instance, I would still like to create a masterpiece one day; I would still like to capture something of the sublime in an artistic representation.
As a much younger man, I aspired to write and draw the perfect comic book story, and wouldn't this still be a wonderful goal? The only problem is that comics are a lot of hard work to create and I am a very lazy artist. I think that my dream job would be to simply design characters for comic books or cartoons and have somebody else do all of the hard stuff.
I also think that it would be awesome to create an animated TV series of my own and provide voice acting for the characters, but it's not very easy when you have no connections to Hollywood or whatever. A man can dream, though, can't he? Could Pepto-Bear: The Animated Series be just around the corner?

"Pepto-bear" 10/04/08

Somehow the conceive-believe-achieve sequence always gets thwarted for me. Perhaps my main issue is indeed laziness. Or maybe it's my lack of focus. Or maybe it's because my foot itches...what were we talking about?

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