Friday, June 11, 2010


Ink and acrylic on paper, 2010.

No more, no less.

Daily drawings are a good little exercise, but they don't always make for masterpieces. This is the way I like it, though. I like for drawings to look sort of "disassembled". Perfect finishes are usually disappointing to me- at least as far as my own work goes.
It makes me feel kind of crazy to have multiple projects going at once. Even when I have time to relax, I don't actually relax. I messed up a pretty decent drawing this morning because I was pushing too hard. What I should really be doing right now is reading a book.
I am used to posting a drawing and having it get ignored, and my expectations aren't any higher for this one. Maybe it's sign of maturity that I don't think I'll be hailed as some new artistic visionary anymore. This is just the kind of stuff that makes me happy when I do it, so that's why it's here.

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